
The Economic-Financial plans asseveration in Project Financing

ANALISI SPA furnishes Business Plan certification services throughout Italy, operating through Analisi Asseverazioni Srl, an auditing firm registered in the list of the Ministry of Economic Development (MIME), pursuant to the Law 1966/39, and authorized to certify business plans in the project financing interventions (or Project Finance) which are presented to the Public Administrations pursuant to art. 183 of the Procurement Code.

ANALISI SPA’s experience in Project Financing asseveration

ANALISI SPA has carried out the project certification activity in several industries (healthcare, redevelopment of buildings and areas, public lighting services and energy efficiency improvement, cemetery services) and in various Italian regions.

Comune di Porto Recanati (Macerata) – Marche

Comune di Vallo della Lucania (Salerno) – Campania

Comune di Genova – Liguria

Comune di Cesena – Emilia Romagna

Comune di Portoscuso (Carbonia Iglesias) – Sardegna

Provincia di Bolzano – Trentino Alto Adige

What does Asseveration consist of?

The Asseveration consists of a declaration with which the auditing firm, having carried out the checks and analyses that are necessary and indicated by the best professional practice, certifies the coherence and balance of the economic-financial plan for each intervention in Project Financing, the ability of the project to generate cash flows that ensure the repayment of the debt and the remuneration of risk capital and, therefore, the possibility of carrying out the public work through a private capital.

Only few auditing firms throughout Italy are authorized to certify the economic plan pursuant to art. 183 Legislative Decree 50/2016. Analisi Asseverazioni is duly registered in the list of the Ministry of Economic Development (MIME), according to Law 1966/39, and meets the requirements of article 183 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 (Public Procurement Code).

It must be specified that more than once there have been situations in which the administrative courts have decreed the exclusion of projects with asseverations prepared by unauthorized companies.

ANALISI SPA represents therefore a safe and reliable partner, as evidenced by the many services of plans’ asseveration provided throughout Italy and in various industries.

Project financing is an incredible instrument for generating investments

INowadays the Project Financing (also called Project Finance) is a very important instrument and widely used by public administrations. It is, in fact, a method of financing a public work, through a special agreement, according to which the Institution does not directly finance the intervention, financed instead mainly with the cash flows resulted from the management and operation of the new structure, which it is granted under management for a period suitable for the recovery of expenses and the achievement of an operating margin.

In the last years, this type of agreement has been adopted for the construction of many sports facilities, or housing for the elderly, public-private health facilities, infrastructure for public lighting or heating, logistics management and many other types of intervention. Even new NHS hospitals have also recently been built through Project Finance.

Financing between public and private

ANALISI SPA is specialized in the asseveration of business plans as a fundamental phase of the project financing process, which, as already mentioned, consists in the financing of an entrepreneurial project by a private individual on an asset owned by a public Body: the concept behind it is to have the public work built and managed by a private citizen. The private citizen will recover the cost through a multi-year management which, at the end of the period identified by the parties through the agreement signed at the beginning of the process, will again be subscribed by the public body.

In accordance to the art. 183 of the Procurement Code, the private individual who intends to propose to the Public Administration an offer for the construction of a public work or of public utility through the institution of Project Finance, is required to present, among the various documents, also an economic and financial plan sworn by a bank or an auditing firm, pursuant to art. 1 of the law of 23 November 1939, n.1966.

Contacting an authorized company such as Analisi Asseverazioni Srl protects private citizens from appeals and disputes by the Public Administrations, Competitors and control Bodies.

ANALISI SPA furnishes a safe, quality, rapid and competitively priced service.


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